Monday, October 23, 2006


Fish species born at home ...

    Guppies - Poecilia Reticulata
  1. Size: 6 cm
  2. Life span: 3 years
  3. Family: Poecilidae
  4. PH: 7.0 - 8.5
  5. Temperature: 23º-28ºC
  6. Habitat: América do Sul
  7. Observations: It leaves well in a community aquarium, but there should be a mail for each 3 females. They are livebearers.
Still not available

    Molly - Poecilia Velifera
  1. Size: 6 - 15 cm
  2. Life span: 3 years
  3. Family: Poecilidae
  4. PH: 7.0 - 8.5
  5. Temperature: 21º-26ºC
  6. Habitat: América do Sul e Central
  7. Observations: It leaves well in a community aquarium, but there should be a mail for each 3 females. They are livebearers and in one specie aquarium they usualy don't eat the young.
Still not available

    Betta - Betta Splendes
  1. Size: 3 - 8 cm
  2. Life span: 4 years
  3. Family: Belontidae
  4. PH: 6.0 - 8.0
  5. Temperature: 23º-30ºC
  6. Habitat: India, Singapura, Tailandia e Vietnam
  7. Observations: It leaves well in a community aquarium, and it's only necessary to limit to one mail. Scalare and other big fish may chew their long flippers.
Still not available

    Escalar - Pterophyllum Scalare

  1. Size: 15 cm

  2. Life span: 10 years

  3. Family: Cichlidae

  4. PH: 5.0 - 7.0

  5. Temperature: 23º-29ºC

  6. Habitat: Amazónia

  • Observations: It leaves well in a community aquarium of big size, since they are very territorial fish. They are loving caring parents and they take care with extreme devotion of their eggs and young.

  • Still not available

      Kribensi - Pelvicachromis Pulcher

    1. Size: 7 - 10 cm

    2. Life span: 3 to 5 years

    3. Family: Cichlidae

    4. PH: 6.0 - 7.5

    5. Temperature: 23º-29ºC

    6. Habitat: África

  • Observations: It leaves well in a community aquarium of big size, since they are very territorial fish. They are loving caring parents and they take care with extreme devotion of their eggs and young. After egg laying they become quite protective and may cause serious damage to other fish near the site.

  • Still not available

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